
The name of Kilis High School is given to our school because it was the first high school in Kilis. Our school was changed into Kilis Anatolian High School in 2005. There are 4 grades in our school. In the first grade students are taught English 6 hours a week and German 2 hours a week. In the other grades there are 4 hour English lesson and 2 hour German in a week.
There are 550 students, one headmaster, one assistant headmaster and 2 deputy headmasters, 30 teachers, 2 officers and 2 retainers in our school.
There are also 22 classes, a school library and a guidance counselor room, a P.E. room, a computer laboratory, a Biology and Phsics/Chemistry laboratory, a language laboratuary and a language class in our school. We have all the technological advances and innovations in our classes, which enables us to use all the advantages of the visual education.
Our school is  one of the partners of the Comenius School Project, “Building Bridges 4 a Better Future” coordinated by Spain.
The mission of our school is to educate the youth who are appertaining to Atatürk Principles and Revolutions, respectful to the science and wisdom and who think and search.

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