PTG “N. Vapsarov” is the biggest PTG in the north-western Bulgaria . It is situated in the north-west part of Bulgaria. The school has 85-year history with traditions and rich necessary equipment. The social problems of the parents reflect on the behaviour and the development of the students. The financial insecurity, the lack of perspectives are the reasons for less attention for the educational problems of their students. There are some students with specific needs in our school who are very active in working on international projects. Involving students in different challenging activities means to create a consciousness of the importance of being a European citizen. The social status of the students’ parents is below the average. There is a high rate of unemployment in the area and lots of the families do not have adequate financial resources. Through the project we would like to integrate our school into the European family and exchange experiences and information with students studying in other European countries. A partnership with other schools is a great opportunity to develop new ways and knowledge. On the other hand, the greater part of the pupils understand that modern education is the only way for future prosperity. The school has very good facilities and qualified staff for organizing and carrying out the educational process.
The greatest advantage of the school is the well qualified teachers working in it.
The Comenius project would be very useful for both students and teachers. This will motivate our students to learn foreign languages and to take part in different activities using ICT.