Dear Comenius friends,

I am pleased to announce that we won once again the 1st National prize with a video about the Minho Region, in Portugal. This was the third edition of "SCHOOL AWARD IN EUROPE", promoted by Mr. José Manuel Fernandes, Member of the European Parliament,

This award aims to promote interest, awareness and debate about the functioning of the European Union and its institutions, the thematic approach focusing on its relationship with the region of Minho.

This challenge was accepted by the Comenius team and the participating students and teachers did a great job.  This video was shot during the visit of the Comenius partners to the north part of Portugal. Taking advantage of the visited sites, the students played a key role through their comments and the impressions they had in each place.




Last meeting - May 2013

Bulgaria March - 2013


Spain January- 2013


Portugal - 31th October to 3rd November 2012


Sweden-12th to 15th September 2012

 Click here and enter in comenius space!


Slovenia May 2012

Second meeting - Poland - 1st to 5th February 2012

Welcome to "Building Bridges 4 a Better Future" project.


Our main objectives are to develop European Citizenship through environmental awareness, as well as to reflect on the common culture of the different countries, breaking barriers and prejudices.

During the next two years we are going to keep everyone updated of all the activities and assignments as well as news about our project through this site and the schools’ blogs.

This is a European Comenius Partnership project involving 8 countries:

Bulgaria: Profesionalna Tehnicheska Gimnazia “Nikola Vaptsarov”, Vratza

France: Lycée Pierre d’Ailly, Compiègne

Poland: Zespól Szkól im. Por.Józefa Sarny w Gorzycach, Gorzyce

Portugal: Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas de Briteiros, Guimarães

Slovenia: OS Karla Destovnika-Kajuha, Ljubljana

Spain: I.E.S. “Gonzalo Torrente Ballester”, Miajadas, Cáceres. Coordinator of the Project

Sweden: ABB Industrigymnasium, Ludvika

Turkey: Kilis Anadolu Lisesi, Kilis


"The project is financed by the European Commission within the framework of Comenius LLP Programme.

The Europeam Commission and the National Agency are not held responsible for the contents of the published materials and the use of them."



Portugal - November 2012

08/11/2012 22:21

Sweden-12th to 15th September 2012

13/09/2012 09:41


09/09/2012 09:39
I st INTERNATIONAL CHILDRENS’ SUMMIT on HANDS on SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (HSCI-EE) ‘NATURE: THROUGH CHILDRENS’ EYES’ PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION  ‘In Memory of Turkish Photographer Şemsi Güner’   All photographs submitted must reflect the themes; nature in general, our...

the winner of the photo competion

20/06/2012 16:29
the winner of the competion is nr. 6, that is Portugal. Here are the votes: Slovenia - nr. 8 Spain - nr. 5 Turkey - nr. 6 Portugla. - nr. 6 Bulgaria - nr. 5 Poland - nr. 3 Sweden - nr. 3 and 5 France - nr. 6

video - Virtual Tour of school

25/05/2012 18:05
The video of Slovenia, France, Sweden, Turkey, Spain and Portugal are on-line.

thrid meeting in Slovenia - 22th to 26th December 2011

22/05/2012 18:03

Earth Day 2012 on Sunday April, 22

22/04/2012 00:00
Earth Day 2012 on Sunday April, 22 Earth Day aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for earth's environment. It's not to be confused with Earth Hour

Earth Hour

30/03/2012 12:55
What are you willing to do to save the planet?  Don't forget to turn out on March 31st, 8:30pm for Earth Hour! more information:


27/02/2012 11:25
Our TwinsPace has been created. Click here and enter in comenius space!

Blog of Bulgaria and Turkey

04/02/2012 23:00
See the new blogs of Bulgaria and Turkey.
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