About Us

This is a cross-curricular project working collaboratively to promote an intercultural education, to increase the foreign languages learning, the linguistic diversity and to improve the education towards a good environment.

We want to grow responsible consumers and citizens as well as prevent spending the limited resources of the planet by fully integrating this issue in the curriculum in an interdisciplinary way.

This project also aims to build a cultural awareness among pupils, teachers and local community to help us cross barriers and learn to accept different values and cultures.


Our users

In a world more and more globalised, the decisions taken anywhere affects everywhere else; aware of this we would like to raise our pupils’ awareness of the importance of having a cleaner world by recycling things at hand.

The need for sustainable solutions has never been greater, and the clock is ticking. So, our website is a way to draw attention for the necessity to create more sustainable, balanced, clean communities capable of facing any type of adversity.

We are relying on the cooperation of all to achieve these goals!

"The project is financed by the European Commission within the framework of Comenius LLP Programme.

The Europeam Commission and the National Agency are not held responsible for the contents of the published materials and the use of them."

History of project

In this part you can describe the project's history and give reasons for its creation.